Screening of Hong Kong Poly U siege documentary slammed by pro

Time:2024-06-03 17:48:14Source:World Web news portal

A pro-Beijing newspaper has urged the government to ban the screening of a documentary about a violent campus clash between student protesters and police in 2019, saying the film may violate the national security law.

Wen Wei Po in an editorial on Thursday slammed the screening of Inside the Red Brick Wall, a documentary about the clashes between pro-democracy protesters and police at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).

Behind the Red Brick Wall
Inside the Red Brick Wall. Photo: Ying E Chi Cinema, via Facebook.

The documentary is due for screening at the new Golden Scene Cinema in Kennedy Town next Monday, as part of the showcasing of winners at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards.

The warning that Ying E Chi was required to add in the beginning of the film. Photo: Ying E Chi, via Facebook.

The movie’s distributor Ying E Chi was also required to add a warning prior to the screening in 2020, which read that some scenes “may constitute criminal offences,” and “may be unverified or misleading.”

HKFP has reached out to Golden Scene Cinema for comment.

Correction 14:00: A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to the movie name as “Behind the Red Brick Wall” as opposed to “Inside the Red Brick Wall.”

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